As we go about our daily lives, we consume more than 20 trillion kWh of energy every year.

Much of that energy is produced by burning fossil fuel sources such as coal, natural gas and oil.

The environmental impact of burning oil to drive the world’s electricity needs is clear. A dwindling supply of precious natural resources is being burned to provide electricity to meet increasing rates of energy consumption.

Too few energy providers are faced with no clear solution to meet the planet’s future energy needs at a time when it is more important than ever to switch to cleaner, more sustainable sources and protect the planet that we live on.

It makes sense to focus energy production on renewable sources, such as solar power, that won’t destroy the Earth’s important natural resources.

Aside from the dramatic environmental impacts, it no longer makes economic sense to rely on fossil fuels as a source of energy for the planet’s future needs, given rising oil prices and with electricity consumption set to double by 2020.

For GCC countries, fossil fuels are being used primarily as a means to generate energy, rather than be exported, therefore impacting on local economies.

Many industrialised nations around the world have already realised this and are investing heavily in alternate energy sources. One of the leading alternate energy sources is solar power.

By installing solar power capacity into their electrical grids to provide an alternative to conventional energy sources, leading nations (and less developed countries too) are reducing their dependence on expensive and often imported fossil fuels.

Why burn fossil fuel when you can use the sun?

The GCC sector is one of the sunniest areas on the planet so sunlight is abundant all year round. As a result, we receive thousands of times more solar energy from the sun each year than from all other fossil fuel use combined.

It therefore makes sense to consider solar power as a clean, renewable alternative to traditional energy sources because it:

  1. Keeps carbon dioxide, the main greenhouse gas, out of the atmosphere.
  2. Prevents the need to burn coal or oil.
  3. Reduces instances of acid rain, urban smog and pollution.

It’s the best energy generation mechanism out there and here’s how it works. Sunlight travels 150 million km to reach our planet in an average of 8 minutes and 20 seconds. Solar cells, also called photovoltaic (PV) cells, convert that sunlight directly into electricity. PV gets its name from the process of converting light (photons) to electricity (voltage).

PV systems use solar panels with PV cells, either on rooftops or in ground-mounted solar farms, to convert sunlight directly into electric power during the day. The ‘Storage Technology’ with third party machines preserves the electricity to use during the non-sunlight hours of the day.

Today, thousands of people power their homes and businesses with individual solar PV systems, while utility companies are using PV technology to drive large power stations. Simple PV systems provide power for small consumer items, including calculators and wristwatches.

More complicated systems provide power for communications satellites, water pumps, lights, appliances and machines in many homes and workplaces. A high number of road and traffic signs also are also now powered by PV. In many cases, PV power is the least expensive form of electricity for these day-to-day tasks.

TouchWorld Group is developing clean energy partnerships to move the region away from a fossil fuel focus.

TouchWorld Group’s mission is to introduce sustainable energy initiatives that will reduce the GCC region’s dependence on its precious oil reserves.

In Saudi Arabia’s Energy sector, we are ushering in new technologies from Australia, the US and Europe to save resources and money for both the country’s economy and its consumers.

We are leading the way in solar PV technology energy generation by entering into international joint ventures with two of the world’s top energy innovators.

Our solar energy solutions are suitable for both residential customers’ daily use and for the energy needs of corporate and construction businesses. Our solutions will immediately reduce your environmental impact while saving you money.

We are already working with organizations across the Middle East to highlight how we can capture the highest possible value from investing in the use of alternate energy production that is kinder to the planet and makes far better economic sense.

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